Pastor Jerry & Fayetta Holt
Rev. Jerry Holt became Pastor of New Life Apostolic Church in January 1996. He and his family had previously served in Hong Kong and China where they spent 13 years establishing an International and Chinese Church and working with the underground churches in China.
He and his wife, Fayetta, are both graduates of Christian Life College (WABC) in Stockton, California.
They have been in the ministry for over 40 years helping people come to a revelation of God’s purpose and plan for their lives.
Pastor Holt has a burden to see the Word of God be effective, the Power of the Holy Spirit to be poured out and the Name of Jesus magnified in every service. Come and experience the difference!
Fayetta Holt served with her husband for thirteen years in Hong Kong and China where she homeschooled her three daughters who are all married now and have added five grandchildren to the family all of whom she loves very much. She not only serves as Church administrator, but also musician, Ladies Ministry director and is a compassionate friend to all she comes in contact with.
““Good things happen to a team when a player takes the place where he adds the most value. Great things happen when all the players on the team take the role that maximizes their strengths—their talent, skill, and experience.” ”
Associate Minister
John Jacobs is a gifted teacher and preacher of the gospel. He works closely with Pastor Holt, and is over the Adult Sunday School Class. John and his wife Carrie have been married for 27+years. They have three children and 2 wonderful granddaughters. John was raised Catholic. At the age of 26, he recognized that there must be more to life than the type of lifestyle he was leading. So, on September 16, 1986 he came to the United Pentecostal Church in Lewiston for the first time. He was baptized that night. Three months later he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and his life has never been the same. This experience completely changed his life and gave him a hope that had been absent for many years prior. Living for Jesus Christ has given him life direction and purpose. It’s a great life to live!
““A successful team is a group of many hands and one mind.” ”
Sunday School Director
Steve Austin is a third generation Apostolic Pentecostal preacher. He has been married to his wife Kristi for 21 years. They have 4 children: Gabby, Alex, and twins Sydney & Ashtyn. Although he was raised in a pastor's home, he learned that being a pastor's kid doesn't give you a "golden ticket" into everlasting life. Steve first felt the call into ministry when he was just 6 years old. However, when he became a teenager, he spent nearly 10 years running from that calling. He credits the mercy and grace of God for allowing him to be where he is today. Steve has ministered with youth groups, in prison ministry, media ministry, music ministry, small groups, life skills/counseling, missions, Bible studies, and Sunday School.